
今村 文彦【拠点長】
Fumihiko ImamuraHead
International Research Institute of Disaster Science
Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Tsunami Engineering Lab
寺田 賢二郎【副拠点長】
Kenjiro TeradaVice-Head
International Research Institute of Disaster Science
Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Computational Safety Engineering Lab

Disaster Risk Reduction Research Group

Shunichi Koshimura【Area leader】
Shunichi KoshimuraArea Leader
International Research Institute of Disaster Science
Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Disaster Geo-informatics Lab
Kenjiro Terada
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Computational Safety Engineering Lab
Osamu Murao
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Humanities and Social Science Division, International strategy for disaster mitigation Lab
Kohju Ikago
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Earthquake Engineering Lab
Daisuke Sano
Graduate School of Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Division, Environmental Water Quality Engineering Lab
Yusaku Ohta
Graduate School of Science Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Disaster Geo-informatics Lab
Takako Izumi
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Humanities and Social Science Division, International strategy for disaster mitigation Lab
Kanako Iuchi
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Humanities and Social Science Division, Regional Resilience Planning Lab
Akihiro Shibayama
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Humanities and Social Science Division, Disaster Culture and Archive Studies
Anawat Suppasri
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Tsunami Engineering Lab
Erick Mas
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Disaster Geo-informatics Lab
Elizabeth Ann Maly
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Information Management and Public Collaboration Division, International Research Promotion Office
Shuji Moriguchi
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Computational Safety Engineering Lab
Ryuta Enokida
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Earthquake Engineering Lab
Julia Gerster
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Humanities and Social Science Division, Disaster Culture and Archive Studies
Miwako Kitamura
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster information management and public collaboration division, International Research Promotion Office
Ayumu Mizutani
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Disaster Geo-informatics Lab

Disaster Science Research Group

木戸 元之【領域長】
Motoyuki KidoArea Leader
International Research Institute of Disaster Science
Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Marine Geodesy Research Lab
Dapeng Zhao
Graduate School of Science Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Inland Earthquake and Volcano Lab
Toshio Suga
Graduate School of Science, Department of Geophysics Physical Oceanography Lab
Takeshi Yamazaki
Graduate School of Science, Department of Geophysics Atmospheric Science Lab
Takeshi Nishimura
Graduate School of Science, Department of Geophysics Solid-Earth Physics Laboratory, [ Seismology & Volcanology ]
Michihiko Nakamura
Graduate School of Science, Department of Earth Science Volcanology and Geofluids Research Group
Yuto Katoh
Graduate School of Science, Department of Geophysics Space and Terrestrial Plasma Physics Lab
Hiroaki Misawa
Graduate School of Science Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center
Tomomi Okada
Graduate School of Science Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions
Fuminori Tsuchiya
Graduate School of Science, Department of Geophysics Planetary Plasma and Atmospheric Research Center
Yo Fukushima
Graduate School of Science, Department of Geophysics Inland Earthquake and Volcano Lab
Shusaku Sugimoto
Graduate School of Science, Department of Geophysics Physical Oceanography Lab
Junshi Ito
Graduate School of Science, Department of Geophysics Atmospheric Science Lab
Fumiaki Tomita
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division, Marine Geodesy Research Lab

Disaster Humanities Research Group

木村 敏明【領域長】
Toshiaki KimuraArea Leader
Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Human Sciences
Department of Global Humanities, Comparative and Cross-Cultural Studies Course, Religious Studies Lab
Hiroki Takakura
Center for Northeast Asian Studies Basic Studies Division, Russian and Siberian Studies Lab
Yozo Taniyama
Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Human Sciences Department of Global Humanities, Comparative and Cross-Cultural Studies Course, Religious Studies Lab
Tsuneyuki Abe
Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Human Sciences Department of Integrated Human Sciences, Psychology and Linguistics Course, Psychology Lab
Yuichi Ebina
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Human and Social Response Research Division, Japanese Disaster Culture Lab
Sebastien Penmellen Boret
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Information Management and Public Collaboration Division, International Research Promotion Office
Alyne Delaney
Center for Northeast Asian Studies Basic Studies Division, Japanese and Korean Studies Lab
Taro Nakanishi
Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Human Sciences Department of Japanese Studies, Japanese Language Studies Course, Japanese Linguistics Lab
Orika Komatsubara
Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Human Sciences Department of Intergrated Human Sciences, Philosophy and Ethics Course, Ethics Lab
Yugaku Ikawa
Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Human Sciences Department of Global Humanities, Comparative and Cross-Cultural Studies Course, Religious Studies Lab
Yuta Hara
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Practical Research and Collaboration Division, 2030 Global DRR Agenda Office

Disaster Medicine Research Group

江川 新一【領域長】
Shinichi EgawaArea Leader
International Research Institute of Disaster Science
Disaster Medical Science Division, International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine Lab
Motoaki Sugiura
Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer Division of Brain Science, Department of Human Brain Science
Tadashi Ishii
Hospital Department of Education and Support for Regional Medicine
Hiroaki Tomita
Graduate School of Medicine Department of Disaster Psychiatry
Shinichi Kuriyama
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Department of Disaster Public Health
Koichi Chida
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Radiological Disasters and Medical Science Lab
Yasuto Kunii
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Department of Disaster Psychiatry
Susumu Fujii
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Medical Informatics Lab
Hiroyuki Sasaki
International Research Institute of Disaster Science International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine Lab
Masatoshi Suzuki
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Radiological Disasters and Medical Science Lab
Hyejeong Park
International Research Institute of Disaster Science Disaster Medical Informatics Lab